So Far:

Home building Projects
Children’s Education Sponsored
Countries Reached
Household Impacted
0 +
Missionaries Supported on Monthly basis
Villages Reached

Our Impact

Through our projects we are extending the frontiers of the gospel, improving lives of missionaries, widows and children through empowerment programmes, welfare missions, monthly financial supports & Education scholarship.

See how our activities & outreaches are imparting lives.

What we do

Through our platform, we flag needs of missions and missionaries, providing an avenue for individuals to contribute towards transformative projects that positively impact the lives of Christian missionaries, women, children, and internally displaced persons from various regions of the world.
Our platform has supported a range of projects executed in partnership with trusted organisation who share similar burdens and vision as TGCN . Some of our projects so far are:

TGCN Project Timeline

Niger Republic Kingdom Projects

The Heavens came down awesomely in the 2024 Beljodas Care Foundation and TGCN Niger Republic Kingdom Projects, which ended Sunday, 25th August by the special grace of God.

2024 Abuja Widows Outreach

We started the new year as we reached out to widows with our Abuja Widows’ Outreach. It was a time of worship, prayers and empowerment for Widows.

2023 December Pamper Mission

This year’s December Pamper Mission was a John 4 story: Souls were harvested to the Glory of our Lord Jesus at the Galadima IDP camp in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger state.

Widows Empowerment 2023

A glorious time with the widows, where we soent time training, teaching and appraising the efforts of older participants and welcoming new ones.

TGCN Project Timeline 2023

2023 Project Timeline

Our plans and projects for the year 2023. Follow through on our plans and support as the Lord lays in your heart.

December Pamper Mission 2022 TGCN

2022 Project Timeline

The Pulka Community Project, Widows Empowerment, Jigawa Support and health Insurance among other projects in...

2021 Project Timeline

In 2021 We also supported missionaries with COVID Relief in India, gave our more scholarships, and financial support plus...

2020 Project Timeline

2020 was a year we supported with COVID relief, carried out farming projects, sponsored scholarships...

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