How To Support TGCN
Give a Little, Change a Lot
Support the December Pamper Mission 2024 (DPM2024)
Join The Global Consolation Network (TGCN) in our 5th annual initiative to provide essential needs—including food hampers and monetary gifts—to missionaries, widows, and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
500 Families
This year, DPM2024 is focused on honoring and supporting 500 missionary families. These selfless individuals continue to serve the cause of Christ, often with limited resources. At a time like this, our mission to love, encourage, and uplift them is more important than ever.
How You Can Help
With an estimated budget of ₦65 million, we are seeking sponsors to provide each missionary family with ₦130,000 to cover their needs. Your contribution will directly impact these families and demonstrate our shared commitment to honoring those who serve.
Fill the Form Below
Ways to Donate
If you are giving in Pounds:
Lloyds bank UK
Please add the reference “your name and TGCN missions” to help track your donation:
Account Name: The Global Consolation Network CIC
Sort code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 51243063
If you are giving in Naira:
Bank Name: Access/Diamond Bank
Account Name- NIFES
Account Number: 0003801496
If you are giving in any other currency:
Kindly use our PayPal account-
If giving towards the Health Insurance Scheme in Naira:
Account Name- Foundation For Student Mission / TGCN
Account Number: 062768840
Let’s join hands to fulfill this mission of love and compassion.
Together, we can make a difference.
God bless you!