About us

This is ‘The Global Consolation Network’ TGCN:

Join the movement of devoted kingdom financiers and passionate end-time harvesters, who with their resources are extending the frontiers of the gospel to the ends of the earth.

We are a network of kingdom minded believers passionate about the end time harvest. ” By committing to generous giving to support missions, we aid the spread of the gospel to nations of the world”. We strive to create a safe and nurturing haven for missionaries and their families, allowing them to focus fully on fulfilling their divine calling.

We recognize and deeply honour the noble and dignified nature of the missionary’s calling. We believe that all missionaries should thrive and enjoy a life of abundance, both spiritually and materially. That’s why we are fully committed to changing the narrative of lack and scarcity that often surrounds their work. Our ministry is here to uplift and empower them, just like Aaron and Hur did for Moses, so that they can carry out their mission with strength and courage.
We are passionate advocates for the children of missionaries, widows, and persecuted saints.

There is a growing need to provide aid to the persecuted saints, support the missionaries on the field and educate children out of school.

Get involved:

  • “Fund a Missionary”- volunteer to sponsor a missionary with monthly stipends for a whole year- as an annual renewable sponsorship.
  • Monthly Donation- commit to monthly donation of any specified amount within your means.
  • Widow’s Empowerment- sponsor a widow’s SME-skill acquisition training
  • Scholarship Scheme- fund a child’s annual school fee.
  • “400-Man Company”– join the company of 400 men who will commit to monthly giving of £100, $100 or N100,000 to support missions through the TGCN Platform.
  • Feed & clothe a missionary & their family through TGCN mid-year and end of year mission campaigns
  • Quarterly donations, sponsors for specific projects, one-off donations are highly appreciated as well.
  • Volunteer as an intercessor on our prayer platform
  • Network Expansion: Funding for projects comes from within our network hence the need for growth and expansion. You are welcome to join our WhatsApp platform and tell your family and friends about TGCN

Our approach

Our Mission

• To support full time Missionaries and their families financially so that they can concentrate on kingdom assignments.

• To help rebuild lives, restore livelihoods and rebuild Christian Communities that have suffered devastations from persecution beginning from Northern Nigeria.

Our Vision

Raising a network of kingdom financiers committed to support mission work, missionaries and the persecuted Church.

The vision of TGCN has becomes clearer and it has brought us into a better understanding of our calling as sender missionaries. We have been sent to bear the burdens of missions and missionaries. Not only do we see the golden opportunity and honour to share in the labour of those who go into all the worlds with the gospel of Jesus, we have chosen to seize it through kingdom financing.

Our plan at present is to:

  1. Partner with trustworthy initiatives and already established organizations that align with TGCN vision
  2. To raise a network of people with similar interest- to support TGCN’s mission.
  3. To create a prayer platform to bear the burdens and intercede for TGCN, Missionaries, persecuted church and nations.
  4. To contribute regularly preferably monthly to TGCN bank account where funds can be taken to provide aid for the causes we support as the needs arise.

Together we can be the difference.

Our Motive

We are a scripturally based organization. Our anchor scriptures are:

Proverbs 24: 11- 12 (TPT)

11 Go and rescue the perishing! Be their savior! Why would you stand back and watch them stagger to their death?

12 And why would you say, “But it’s none of my business”? The one who knows you completely and judges your every motive is also the keeper of souls—and not just yours!

He sees through your excuses and holds you responsible for failing to help those whose lives are threatened.

3 John 1 :5 -8 NLT

Caring for the Lord’s Workers

5 Dear friend, you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you.

6 They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God.

7 For they are traveling for the Lord,[c] and they accept nothing from people who are not believers.[d]

8 So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach the truth.

Our Team

Abisayo Oludeye

Co-Director TGCN

Oluwasayo Ayodele

Co-Director TGCN

Sarah Mangut

Finance Secretary

Mojisola Olubu

Administrative Lead

Omitola Oritsewhayemi Mary

Intercessory Team

Oluwadamilola Adu

Finance Team Member

Yetunde Riyele

Welfare Cordinator

Oladapo Oludeye

Organizing Lead

We Are Saving Lives

Join us and see what you can do.

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