Donate to Missionary

The Issue

The goodnews must be preached, and our own little way, we try to assist the furtherance of the gospel. By supporting families of slain preachers and providing resources needed for preaching in communities. Your donation will help the gospel be taken further into villages and communities.

Our Solution

We provide resources and finance necessary to propagate the gospel of Jesus Christ

How Your Donation Helps

With your donations going into the Missionary purse, we can achieve alot. Your donations will be used for:
– We can support the families of preachers who have been killed in the North.
– Get Christian materials for propagating the gospel.
– Sponsor Missionary trips to villages farther in the North.

Other Ways to Donate

If you are giving in Pounds:

Lloyds bank UK
Please add the reference “your name and TGCN missions” to help track your donation:
Account Name: The Global Consolation Network CIC
Sort code: 30-98-97
Account Number: 51243063

If you are giving in Naira:

Bank Name: Access/Diamond Bank
Account Name- NIFES
Account Number: 0003801496

If you are giving in any other currency:

Kindly use our PayPal account-

If giving towards the Health Insurance Scheme in Naira:
Account Name- Foundation For Student Mission / TGCN
Account Number: 062768840

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